Monthly Archives: October 2012


I’ve always been fascinated by typography. It could be due to several crushes on graphic designers over the years, one of whom thought that the beauty of positive and negative space in type layouts was more important than the words themselves. Idiot. However,  great typography can add meaning to the words in a way found only in handwritten screeds. My former collaborators Studio 8 are a great example of meaningful typography (they’ve now disbanded, but check out founder Matt Willey’s work on Port Magazine – proper ace).

But now it seems that typography is getting the personal, meaningful touch of handwriting, thanks to Central St Martin’s graduate Shiho Yokoyama, who has created a typeface based on her family’s handwriting.  Now,  anyone could get their handwriting turned into a font by Yokoyama, as part of the launch of Philip Hensher’s lovely new book The Missing Ink, about the “rise and slow death of the art of handwriting, and why it still matters”. All you have to do to enter is tweet a picture of your handwriting @panmacmillan with the hashtag #missingink, and Yokohama will create a font for you. I won’t be entering the competition, as my handwriting is already not dissimilar to Comic Sans (and nobody needs any more of that), but for those with lovely penmanship, it’s a beautiful idea…

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Life down below

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So, you know that Desire article I’ve been going on about for ages? I finally got to see the layout in Viewpoint (can’t bring myself to spend the £45 to buy the actual magazine), and the accompanying images by photographers Metz + Racine have done us proud. It was quite a tall order to depict sex and desire without seediness or double entendres, and we discussed the idea at length, but the pictures above do a bang-up job, i reckon. They capture the fun, freedom and exuberance of changing desires in a suitably creative and somewhat provocative way.  Props also go to mad jellymongers Bompas & Parr for some of the saucy edibles. Never thought i’d see a cock lollipop* in the pages of Viewpoint…

*Dodgeball, not Fifty Shades, reference